The Ultimate Business Course For Birth Professionals

Giving you the ultimate skills to create the
birth business of your dreams.
8 Weeks. 8 Modules. Success.


Hereā€™s What Weā€™ll Cover

Over 8 weeks, we'll work together to review, improve and solidify every aspect of your birth biz. You will receive access to an online portal full of videos, written content, quizzes, downloads, PDF's, templates and so much more!

Self Worth & Self Sabotage

Let's go on a journey of self-discovery. We cover poor self-worth and self-sabotage, how to unlock your full potential, explore fears and learn how to build and exhibit confidence.

Happiness & Success

What does happiness look like for you? Why have you been called to this line of work? What do you value in your life and career? Do you know and understand your boundaries? What legacy will you leave for your family and your community. 


Let's get into the nitty gritty and setup some business basics. You need short and long term objectives. You need to know how to manifest like a queen. And lastly, let's create a mission and vision statement that rock and an elevator pitch that books you clients.


DO NOT fall for the biggest curse of the birth business!! Let's show up confidently with a brand that stands out from the crowd! This is not just pretty colours and a logo, it's professionalism, integrity and more.

Creating Your Irresistible Offer

We explore your dream client's archetype, their plague and problem points and your solution. Wrap that all up with your talents, passions, skills and special sauce - you'll have an offer that clients cannot refuse! This module also includes pricing your packages.

Showing Up Online

Are you worried about how to show up on social media? How to get your website to show up in searches? Let's talk about visibility, platforms to use, absolute website essentials and putting together a FAQ page.

Communication & Marketing

Let's get you speaking your dream clients language with conviction, compassion and creativity. I'll share 20 ways to market your birth biz and we can create an awesome opt-in for your website. Advertising doesn't have to cost a fortune with industry tips and tricks.


Think about any successful business. Do they have processes and systems in place to ensure efficiency. Also-freaking-lutely. You should be no different so we'll discuss invoicing, payments, book keeping, managing enquires, all so you can have a sustainable, profitable business.

Michelle Clift

I'm your personal birth biz coach. I have been in your shoes and intimately understand the struggles that only a birth worker faces. I will be with you every step of the way.

Angela Gallo

Delivering masterclasses that leave you breathless and hungry for more, Angela Gallo motivates, inspires and gently kicks your butt in the nicest way.

Alison Burton

Alison is a clinical hypnotherapist and mindset master. She will be sharing simple but life-changing techniques to get your mind on track so that positive changes will be permanent.

Get Access To Exclusive Bonuses

Here are three amazing bonuses you get for free if you sign up today!


Library of Forms, Templates
and Masterclasses

Gain access to my library of birth worker templates including doula contracts, intake forms, pre-natal checklists, consent and release forms plus loads incredible Masterclasses from industry experts.


Challenge Recordings

All 5 days of challenge recordings are yours to keep and refer to - otherwise available for purchase in my shop.



Continued Membership

After you finish your 8 week course, continue your growth and sense of community in our Facebook group for free!


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Two Step

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